You can easily create visual queries for any semantic database with an SPARQL endpoint. Even more complex questions like
Which person went to an university located in the same city he or she was born?
are quite easy to construct. Every visual query will be translated to SPARQL and the results will be shown.
All metadata are extracted live via configurable SPARQL Queries.
Finding classes and properties is effortless, as the VSB searches uri together with label and comment in the current language.
Future releases will give the ability to load metadata via JSON API.
Sometimes it is not easy to find a relation between two classes.
Therefore a relation search helper is included. It helps finding relations between classes or appropriate classes for existing properties.
The VSB is easy translatable with JSON files and understand the different languages of your endpoint.
You may need a visual representation of a query for a talk or a poster. The VSB has a beautiful print preview.
You can save the queries as JSON and load them later. The VSB also saves your work in the background in your browser.